Sunday, November 7, 2010

Grandmother Johnson's Pinto Beans

1 package dried pinto beans
ham pieces, cut in bite size pieces
Pick through dried beans and take out all the bad ones.  Wash 2 or 3 times.  Soak overnight if you want them to cook fast.  Granddaddy liked them to cook all day so you get more brown gravy with your beans.  Add ham and salt to taste.  Start to boil.  Turn down real low.  Cook 2 1/2 or 3 hours.
A note from momma...

"I got this recipe from Grandmother July 7, 1992.  She didn't know it, but I wrote it down as she was giving me the recipe over the phone.  I also wrote down her recipe for salmon patties and cornbread that same day."

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